Balgarija (1908-10-05 - 1913-08-10)
Basic Information
Name Balgarija
Wikidata ID Q147909
Contemporary Administrative Unit Kingdom
Temporal Extent Oct. 5, 1908 - Aug. 10, 1913
Spatial Extent 10.656568101321
How accurate is the given date D
Source Europe Stateborders 1913 1
Quality of this dataset yellow
Centroid SRID=4326;POINT (25.27718978110053 42.92897494911945)
Additional data
  • source: Rumsey: Brue, Europe, 1816; Rumsey: Stieler, Balkan-Halbinsel, 1911; Census Mosaic: Europe Main, 1900; OpenStreetMap contributors
  • wiki_id: Q147909
  • id_mos_eur: 220.0
  • id_mos_ger: None
  • comments: None
  • Quote Balgarija (1908-10-05 - 1913-08-10), Antonia Dückelmann / Peter Paul Marckhgott-Sanabria, "Europe State Borders 1913_1", based on Rumsey: Brue, Europe 1816; Woldan: Floder, Oesterreich, 1835; Rumsey: Weiland, Niederlande nebst Luxemburg, 1817; Rumsey: Stieler, Balkan-Halbinsel, 1892; Rumsey: Andree, The Caucasus, 1900; Rumsey: Sohr, Königreich Griechenland, 1888; Rumsey: Stieler, Balkan-Halbinsel, 1911; Bodensee Geodatenpool: Landesamt für Vermessung und Geoinformation Bayern, Bodensee Karte 3 - Staatsgebiete, 2010; Eduś - IBR Biblioteki Śląskiej w Katowicach, Jaworzno, 2015; Vukicevic: Montenegro, 2016; Geo-Larhra: Territoires de l'Italie, 1859 and 1866; Census Mosaic: German Empire Statistical Units, 1871; Census Mosaic: Europe Main, 1900 and 1930; Census Mosaic: Austria-Hungary, 1910; Census Mosaic: Bordering Continents, 1900; Census Mosaic: Serbia, 1884 and © OpenStreetMap contributors; published by Histogis
    License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license