Bayerischer Kreis (1648-01-01 - 1791-12-31)
Basic Information
Name Bayerischer Kreis
Wikidata ID Q708812
Contemporary Administrative Unit Imperial Circle
Temporal Extent Jan. 1, 1648 - Dec. 31, 1791
Spatial Extent 6.09149538562056
How accurate is the given date Y
Source Holy Roman Empire Imperial Circles 1648
Quality of this dataset yellow
Centroid SRID=4326;POINT (12.26075781505925 48.37151061011927)
Additional data
  • source: IEG: Kunz, Reichskreise 1648, 2013
  • wiki_id: Q708812
  • Quote Bayerischer Kreis (1648-01-01 - 1791-12-31), Anna Piechl, "Holy Roman Empire Imperial Circles 1648", based on Kunz, A., "Reichskreise 1648", published by IEG-Maps
    License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license