Pressburg (1850-01-01 - 1860-12-31)
Basic Information
Name Pressburg
Wikidata ID Q6852023
Contemporary Administrative Unit Military District
Temporal Extent Jan. 1, 1850 - Dec. 31, 1860
Spatial Extent 4.24032411346032
How accurate is the given date Y
Source Austrian Empire Counties 1850
Quality of this dataset yellow
Centroid SRID=4326;POINT (18.60600351016904 48.53431493615377)
Additional data
  • source: Woldan: Floder, Oesterreich, 1835; Rumsey: Flemming, Ungarn, 1855; ELTE: Deák, Helyi közigazgatás, 2006; (c)openstreetmap contributors
  • crownland: Königreich Ungarn
  • country: Austrian Empire
  • comments: None
  • law: None
  • wiki_id: Q6852023
  • Quote Pressburg (1850-01-01 - 1860-12-31), Anna Piechl / Peter Paul Marckhgott-Sanabria, "Austrian Empire Counties 1850", based on Woldan: Floder, Österreich, 1835; Rumsey: Flemming et al., Tyrol, 1855; Rumsey: Flemming et al., Bohmen, 1855, Rumsey: Flemming et al., Mahren, 1855; Straka, Steiermark, 1978; Rumsey: Flemming et al., Galizien, 1855; Rumsey: Flemming et al., Karnthen, 1855; Rumsey: Felmming et al., Ungarn, 1855; Klöcker, Oberösterreich, 2011; Wutte, Niederösterreich, 2015; Emmer, Tirol, 2010; Zernig, Bukowina, 2012; Walter, Kärnten, 2013, Mohorko, Mähren, 2011; Auer, Böhmen, 2011; and © OpenStreetMap contributors; published by HistoGIS
    License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license