Woiwodschaft Serbien und Temeser Banat (1849-11-19 - 1860-12-31)

Basic Information
Name Woiwodschaft Serbien und Temeser Banat
Wikidata ID Q697710
Contemporary Administrative Unit Voivodeship
Temporal Extent Nov. 19, 1849 - Dec. 31, 1860
Spatial Extent 3.48102947039403
How accurate is the given date D
Source Austrian Empire Crownlands 1860
Quality of this dataset yellow
Centroid SRID=4326;POINT (20.60746641362973 45.64371276576901)
Additional data
  • source: Woldan: Floder, Oesterreich, 1835; © OpenStreetMap contributors; Census Mosaic: Europe, 1900; Rumsey: GI Weimar, Galizien, 1832; Rumsey: Radefeld, Oesterreich, 1849; Rumsey: Kiepert, Ungarn, 1855
  • country: Austrian Empire
  • comments: None
  • wiki_id: Q697710
  • Quote Woiwodschaft Serbien und Temeser Banat (1849-11-19 - 1860-12-31), Anna Piechl / Peter Paul Marckhgott-Sanabria, "Austrian Empire Crownlands 1860", based on Woldan: Floder, Österreich, 1835; Census Mosaic: Europe Main, 1900; Rumsey: Andree, Scobel, Böhmen, 1905; Rumsey: Radefeld, Oesterreich, 1849; Rumsey: Streit, Ungarn, 1835; Rumsey: GI Weimar, Galizien, 1832; Rumsey: Andree, Böhmen, 1905; Rumsey: Flemming, Kärnthen, 1855; Eduś - IBR Biblioteki Śląskiej w Katowicach, Jaworzno, 2015; Woldan: Czoernig, Oesterreich, 1856 and © OpenStreetMap contributors; published by Histogis
    Permalink https://histogis.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/shapes/permalink/bd8813b70ea1677d70cf1a38062bfb33/
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